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The ABC’s of Cyber-Shop Set Up & Marketing: Affordable, Big League, Cheap!Diana Barnum How do you set up shop online How about one that’s top-notch, so that you can compete with the big guys, yet quick to set up, easy to maintain - - and cheap And how can you affordably market your shop once it’s ready to go Questions like these are often brought to the attention of OhioHelp.net, an Ohio-based company specializing in helping businesses worldwide with their marketing, public relations and freelance writing services. Here are some top tips they offer based on their own client projects. TOP TIPS FROM OHIOHELP.NET
One affordable, top-quality company is Vista: http://movingaheadcommunications.com/partners.html 3rd row from top, blue box on right MARKETING TIPS: 1. Select the Free Vista offer & don’t worry about their imprint on the back. Tell your customers, prospects, friends and everyone else that they can also get free business cards at this place, save expenses and pass along the savings to their clients like we do. Clients do like to know that you watch your budget! You can play around with different promotions and order a couple different types of these Vista cards, too. For example, here are two kinds used with OhioHelp.net:
2. With at least one style of your business cards, use the “Keep it simple” theme. Period. Don’t use fancy sayings or mottos that could be outdated by the time you distribute the cards. And no he-man gimmicks or slang so you have an equal chance with nonprofits, woman owners, male marketers, etc. 3. Play around with re-directing people to your site via different URLS or domain names, inexpensive now through places like GoDaddy.com. And set up special pages cyber-doorways for them. For example, note these pages all go to one main site & can be tracked, reporting site statistics for later use with future marketing / budgeting plans: Have fun & enjoy! Be creative and experiment to see what works best for you.
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