Which DirecTV Hardware Setup Is Best

Teddy Low

The right DirecTV setup depends on your fancy and your location. Most people will be perfectly served by the multi-room systems promoted by RapidSatellite right now. All the necessary satellite equipment for up to 5 rooms, plus the installation and even a DVD player is yours for FREE.

If you want to receive DirecTV HDTV, it depends. Does your High Definition TV has an integrated DirecTV receiver If so, you need nothing more. Otherwise, youll need to buy a HDTV receiver, which doesnt come free. At the present time, you might be better with Dish Network if you want HDTV. Dish Pronto will get you up to 4 HDTV receivers free of charge, along with regional channels.

To receive DirecTV para todos, the spanish package, youll need a special oval dish.

DirecTV Programming, and channels guides

DirecTV Packages starts at $39.99 per month for 130 satellite TV channels.

Direct TV has 30+ premium movie channels and pay-per-view channels, family channels, and a fabulous selection of sports packages: NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL, MLS, ESPN College Baseball, Football and Basketball, English Soccer... It features up to 31 different audio-only channels to listen to your favorite music.

Theres also the popular DirecTV para todos, with as much as 45 channels in spanish.

View DirecTV programming list, DirecTV pricing, and DirecTV satellite TV packages DirecTV Total Choicesat http://www.satellitetvissue.com

About The Author

Teddy L.Cc., a successful freelance internet webmaster/writer. He is currently running 4 internet major websites including http://www.satellitetvissue.com. Frequent writter on issue regarding electronics goods as well as web hosting.


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